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【デジタル版】[Asian Women’s Liberation]No.7 Asian women and population policy





1986年4月発行 単価:¥500 (税込み・送料別) [内容説明] N0.7 Asia Women and Population Policy 1986.4 Declaration: Asian Women`s Association –AWA Asian women and Population Policies –AWA Asian Population Policies and How They Oppress Women –Matsui Yayori Family Planning and Women’s Human Rights –Aida Yuko Population Policies and Questions on Revision of Family Law in South Korea –Fuwa Mariko In Solidarity with the Women of the Worlds: “Embarkation Towards the Year 2000”- Matsui Yayori Japanese Women: Past and Present –AWA The Conflict of HINOMARU –Poem by Kurihara Sadako News: Problems Concerning Population Control Report Activities of the AWA in 1985 -AWA
